Welcome to Wootton St Lawrence
Last Updated on 16th August 2024
The Manydown Development
Update on the Manydown Development - 31st January 2019
Further consultation on the Outline Planning Application has started after more work was undertaken on highways and transport to respond to feedback on the initial proposals.
Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council and Hampshire County Council have produced a booklet of fact sheets to give an overview of the proposed updates to the Outline Planning Application and to explain where you can find out more about the areas which were of most interest to residents:
•movement in and around Manydown, including highways, public transport, walking and cycling
•heritage and conservation
•biodiversity and ecology
•landscape and open space
•retail impact
You can see the fact sheets on the Manydown Development Project website,
This further consultation comes before a planning decision is made, likely to be at a Development Control Committee in spring 2020. Subject to securing outline planning permission, preparation work is anticipated to start on site in late 2020.
Dates of a briefing session for local residents and other consultation activities will be released within the next couple of weeks. For more information on the planning application consultation and to give your views see the page on the Borough Council's website.
The Deadline for Submission of Comments re Development Plan Changes is 17th August
Please submit your comments regarding the changes being proposed to the Manydown Development Plan to the Basingstoke and Deane Borough council by Friday 17th August at www.basingstoke.gov.uk/manydownplanning
A series of fact sheets giving more information on the changes are available on the project website at www.manydownbasingstoke.co.uk. The fact sheets also give updates and more information on elements of the planning application, in response to questions raised in the consultation on the initial outline application.
Manydown Development Meeting with Local Residents - 11th July 2018
On 11th July 2018, Wootton St Lawrence Parish Council arranged for Andrew Reynolds and Tony Davison from the Manydown Project Team to meet with residents of the Parish. The focus of the meeting was to gain information on the following issues that are of particular concern to the residents of Wootton St Lawrence (WSL).
The Country Park. The Park will be created by the Developer and will then remain under council ownership. It will be run by a Community Trust on a cost neutral basis, so there might be some income-generating elements (eg café located at the ‘hub’), in order to cover the operating costs. The WSL side of the park will remain an area for agriculture and grazing. The primary access to the Park will be from the Country Park Hub, located near Wasing Wood Farm, which will have a car park. People will use a network of footpaths and cycleways to get around the Park.
WSL Community Building. Hampshire County Council is happy to talk about funding for a community building in WSL, if the residents of WSL can secure an appropriate plot of land. WSL, through the Neighbourhood Plan, is currently in negotiations to secure the land and, if successful, will submit a request for funding.
Highways. The designs for the main junctions have been changed in order to address safety and capacity concerns. Local residents asked for highways issues, especially rat-running and pedestrian safety on the B3400, to be resolved before the Manydown Development is built.
Development Partner. Urban and Civic, with financial backing from the Wellcome Trust, has been chosen to be the Development Partner.
The Planning Application: Recent Changes and Updates to Issues Raised
Scale and Density of New Homes. Changes have been made in the most sensitive areas, with a reduction in building heights and, in some cases, a related reduction in density of the homes.
Health Service Provision. Current facilities in Winklebury will be upgraded, so that they can be used by Manydown residents until a health facility in the Manydown Development has been established.
Travellers. There will be one site comprising 5 permanent pitches and covering approximately the size of ½ football pitch. The location is likely to be on the southern/western part of the development.
Timing. The current plan is to start building the access road and some infrastructure at the end of 2019 and to build the first houses in 2020.
Viewing and Commenting on the Manydown Planning Application
You can view the Planning Application and submit your comments to the Planning Department by 31st July.
The Manydown Project Team has posted a summary of the changes to the Planning Application and updates to issues raised at http://manydownbasingstoke.co.uk/documents-downloads/.
You can view the documents that form the Planning Application in the Planning Portal. http://pad.basingstoke.gov.uk/DocumentViewer/?DocumentClassCode=DC&Folder1Reference=17/00818/OUT
You can submit comments on-line via the Portal, or by post to The Planning Department, Basingstoke and Deane District Council, Civic Offices, London Road, Basingstoke RG21 4AH.
If you have any queries, or would like more information, please email office@wslcommunity.com.
Changes that have been made to the Manydown Development Planning Application
Message sent to Residents of Wootton St Lawrence on 12th January 2018
This month, we, as local residents, have been invited to comment to the Local Planning Authority (LPA) on the changes that have been made to the Manydown Development Planning Application. This message lists those changes, and tells you how you can find out more, comment on the changes and receive updates on the Manydown Project. This information has been put together with the help of Peter Wallace from the Manydown Project Team.
The Changes to the Manydown Planning Application
The following changes have been made to the Manydown Planning Application, in response to feedback from the consultation on the original Planning Application.
Revised access junctions at the north, from the A339, and south, from the B3400 Worting Road, to the new development. These have been made in response to feedback from the highways authority and from the public consultation. Diagrams and explanations of the changes will be available at www.manydownbasingstoke.co.uk from Monday 15th January.
Reduction in the height of buildings in sensitive areas around the edge of the Worting Conservation Area.
Clarification of the maximum number of homes that will be permitted in the development. The application is for 3,200 homes plus an allowance of 10%, up to a maximum of 3,520 homes. This figure has been tested in technical studies, looking at environmental and traffic aspects, to ensure we are making the most efficient use of a greenfield site, and that the infrastructure is suitable for the maximum number of homes, irrespective of how many are developed. Manydown is planned as a lower density development in keeping with the surrounding area.
Reduction in the number of Gypsy and Traveller pitches from nine to five pitches. These pitches will be provided within one permanent residential site and will not include temporary transit sites for travellers passing through the area.
It is a great encouragement to see that changes have been made to the Planning Application in response to the comments that were received. Please continue to take part in the consultation exercises, because your comments are noted and can make a big difference.
Information Sessions regarding the Changes
There will be two information sessions over the next few days at which we can find out more about changes that have been made to the original Manydown Planning Application and can make comments:
10am-4pm on Saturday 13th January in the Malls, Basingstoke. This will be a drop-in information session, at which there will be information boards and the opportunity to talk to the team that put together the Planning Application.
7pm on Monday 15th January at the Wootton St Lawrence Parish Council Meeting in Ramsdell Village Hall. This will be a presentation from the Manydown Development Planners.
How to Comment on the Changes
There are three main ways to comment on the changes:
Over the next couple of days: At one of the information sessions.
At the end of January (we will send out the date and links when they are available):
Post a comment using the Hampshire County Council Planning Portal .You can also see comments that have already been made regarding the changes.
Telephone the Planning Department at Basingstoke and Deane District Council (01256-844844), if you don’t have access to the internet.
How to Find out about the Future Progress of the Manydown Development Plans, Consultation Sessions and any other Information regarding the Manydown Development
You can receive updates about progress and forthcoming consultation sessions from:
The Wootton St Lawrence Residents’ Association, if you are on our email distribution list (you are if you have received this email!).
The Manydown Project Team, if you have registered on their website http://manydownbasingstoke.co.uk/get-involved/
Hampshire County Council, if you have registered on their Planning Portal and posted a comment regarding Manydown .
You can also check the following websites:
The Manydown Project website: www.manydownbasingstoke.co.uk, which contains lots of helpful information, including plans, drawings and fact sheets, regarding the Manydown Development.
The Hampshire County Council planning and environment pages relating to the Manydown Development: www.basingstoke.gov.uk/Manydown, which provides an overview of the Manydown Planning Application and Development Brief.
The Wootton St Lawrence website: www.wslcommunity.com, which provides a summary of progress in the planning application, consultation dates (when they are known) and links to useful websites regarding the planning application.
Update from Peter Wallace, the Manydown Project Team, September 2017
Following 18 months of consultation and engagement with the local community, Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council and Hampshire County Council, the Project Team submitted an Outline Planning Application for Manydown at the beginning of the year.
Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council, as planning authority, consulted on the application earlier this year. The Project Team has now reviewed the comments that were made in that consultation and published answers to frequently asked questions on the project website to give further information or explanation. The answers to frequently asked questions are not intended to provide a response to all the concerns raised, nor to justify the proposals and address every objection.
Further discussion is now taking place with Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council as the planning authority, as well as relevant statutory consultees.
Updated information will be submitted to the planning authority in the next few months and it is expected there will be a further planning consultation during autumn 2017 to seek feedback on this updated information. This will give an opportunity to comment on the updated proposals prior to the application being determined by the council’s Development Control Committee.
The Project Team will let you know when we have further information on the next consultation. In the meantime, should you have any questions please contact them using the details below.
Call: Freephone 08081 683 600